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How to do a complex search??

Jun 21, 2004
Can't find how to do a complex search. For example, searching for 'convex bevel' returns any thread with either word while I wanted threads with both words.

Searching for 'search' in the FAQ revealed nothing.

This was further complicated because this site has a restriction on searches - only one per 30 seconds. So my R&D efforts were frustrated. Who wants to wait 30 seconds to try something else?

Does anyone know how to search and require hits on all words typed?
Complex search - still unresolved

Thanks, Kurt.

That's better but not completely functional.

Your directions return 25+- posts with Convex even when Bevel is not adjacent or not there at all..

E.G. It pulls up John Lucas' post about "convex grind".

I've tried 'normalized' boolean, such as "convex AND bevel" and "+convex +bevel" but they still return 25 results.

This would be a nice thing to resolve and have placed in the FAQs. Could the author be involved? Perhaps that darned 30 second between searches could be revisited as well?


I got results similar to Richard's, Kurt. "searchid" must be a dynamic variable, valid only at your time of search; I got a blank stare from VBulletin ("Sorry, no matches") from your link.

Using plain vanilla Google [woodturning "convex bevel"], with quotes to marry the keywords, just got 167 hits, but I didn't filter the list for AAW, except for finding this very thread on the second page. I didn't go any further.

I'm using FireFox, which might, or might not, matter.

The recommendation to use Google's search is a good one, and easy to do (although a real pain to leave the AAW site to do it).

In the Google search box, type in whatever terms you want to search for, using whatever boolean format you want...quotes around phrases, AND, OR, +, -, etc. Then also add: site:http://www.aawforum.org

So for example, you can type this in the Google search box:

"convex bevel" site:http://www.aawforum.org

And you will get exactly 4 hits...one is this thread.
Search without leaving the AAW forum.

Hello Dick,
Thanks for your comments.
I can relieve your pain in leaving the forum. Don't.
Hold down CNTl and press the letter T.
This will open a Tab, a second tab, while leaving the forum Tab untouched.
By clinking on the tab header at the top of the window, you can go back and forth between the Google results and the forum.
If there is a link you want to inspect, right mouse over it and select "open in new tab".
This way your original window is maintained throughout. This works in Foxfire and Internet Explorer. I have found a way in my browser to put a button on the toolbar which opens a new tab. A second button has my home page, which is Google's advanced search.

The recommendation to use Google's search is a good one, and easy to do (although a real pain to leave the AAW site to do it).

In the Google search box, type in whatever terms you want to search for, using whatever boolean format you want...quotes around phrases, AND, OR, +, -, etc. Then also add: site:http://www.aawforum.org

So for example, you can type this in the Google search box:

"convex bevel" site:http://www.aawforum.org

And you will get exactly 4 hits...one is this thread.
In addition to Richard's suggestion to open new tabs, you can place startup icons on the lower toolbar. I have them for some frequently-used programs that accommodate multi-tasking. (W2Kpro; should also be available in XP and Vista). When executed, they open a new root, e.g. Google, without losing the one I'm already in (e.g. AAWforum). When I close the new root, the previous one reappears.

Also, I navigate here and elsewhere, by right-clicking on a thread or path, or a link, and select "Open in a new window." This alleviates regeneration time, which was helpful when I was on dialup.

I haven't had the fortitude to examine my cookies list; it's probably a mess.🙄
