I'm curious about how many bowls some of the forum members turn weekly, monthly, or yearly.
I guess I haven't counted them for sure. And depends on the size you want to consider too. If any size counts I have probably done at least 500 since September. I turn every day, like today I only made 6, then some days I turn other stuff than bowls.
I checked my log and I finish turned 11 and roughed 8 in the past six months. But my non bowling output was considereably greater as I also turn lots of other stuff including ornaments, handles, HF's, eggs, spheres, boxes etc.
About 50 per year is about right for me. Some months I turn at a more serious pace, and some months are less. As with others here, not all my efforts in the shop revolve around bowl making. However, my lathe is used primarily for bowl making........
I turn small stuff mostly, as I like unusual colored natural native woods. Often with natural edges. When I am not working part time. (probably 30%), and the weather is crappy I spend 6-8 hours in the basement. (getting into gardening season now-then I only turn a couple hours in the am.) There's "down" time when waiting for something to dry-cut sandpaper strips then, or get something to eat or drink or tend wood stoves.
I am dabbling now with color and is more labor intensive with multiple sanding. So I usually turn (Green turn a-z) 1-2 bowls per day. A 13 " takes me 4-5 hours+ (fairly dry wood). So make maybe 30 a month. Gretch
That sounds like a pretty good pace. I'm pretty much limited to the amount of wood that's available locally due to the high cost of shipping when ordering wood. I had no intentions of turning bowls in the first place, but I needed a chuck in order to drill each end of spindles I was doing for dough rollers. Just playing around, I tried making a vessel that was only about 3 inches tall with spindle gouges. That was so much fun that I thought I would try a bowl. I've been hooked ever since.
I just finished looking at your link. Nice shop! Also, thank you for your service to our country!
Thanks for sharing, Odie,
Take care
You mentioned dabbling with color. Are you dying the wood? I've been wondering how I would finish some of my lighter wood pieces. Seems a lot of people like darker wood, and I didn't know if it was sacrilegious to stain a turned piece.