I looked at several of the pictures of your turnings and couldn't quite pin it down right away but it looks like each picture has a little bit of blurriness in it. But some parts in each image looked sharp. My theory is, that you are focusing on the middle of the image, and lack enough depth of field to get sharpness at the edges of each turning.
If you increase your light, you can stop down the lens aperture to get a broader depth of focus from front to back. Again, just my theory. The brighter your light, the better quality image you can end up with, in general because of not only a smaller lens aperture, but a higher shutter speed. Even on a tripod, you can get a tiny bit of movement.
I'd say the best shot of all was the deep Koa bowl--what ever you did there, you did right but it looks a little bit of out-of-focus on the back rim of the piece.
I'd also recommend using a smooth white backdrop instead of the carpet, it will give your pics a clean, professional look. You can make a white backdrop darker towards the top by focusing the light source only on the foreground and the piece itself. I've done that with a large portion of the pieces in my Gallery if you want to take a look.