• Congratulations to Curt Vogt winner of the February 2025 Turning Challenge (click here for details)
  • Congratulations to Joseph Bernard for "Working Spider" being selected as Turning of the Week for March 3 2025 (click here for details)
  • Welcome new registering member. Your username must be your real First and Last name (for example: John Doe). "Screen names" and "handles" are not allowed and your registration will be deleted if you don't use your real name. Also, do not use all caps nor all lower case.

Hi from Down under

Mar 17, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Hi folks,

Thought I'd introduce myself as a N oo B.

Well, new to the forum anyways.

Have been scanning the posts and enjoying the quality of the contributions ... and the same sense of certainty about them that I find on other turning forums :rolleyes:

Been reading American Woodturner on CD and getting lots of inspiration.

I've been turning for about seven years specialising in faceplate work. Still in search of the perfect bowl :D and finding Raffan's book on turned bowl design also an inspiration. He says there's a new edition on the way.

My lathe is a Stubby S1000, with 'John Jordan' stamped on the bed. Seems it was destined for the US but got snaffled up by the previous owner down here. Ironically, the manufacturer is just an hour's drive away.

Well, thanks to Steve for approving my membership, and I look forward to learning lots more from you all.

btw, I'm a WoWie too and you can see some of my early work in the galleries there, under the name of Ern Reeders
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Great to have you here, Ern...

I have a special feeling for the Aussies. Not only did I fly with Royal Australian Navy pilots some 40yrs ago, you'll find a very well worn and dog-eared copy of Raffan's Turning Wood hanging around here!........not to mention that my lathe is a Woodfast!!!!


otis of cologne
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Welcome Ern! Glad to have you here, and hope we can answer any questions. Seems you and your mates have been doing a fair amount of really cool turning, judging by some of the postings I've seen recently. Hope to see some of yours here soon.:)
Thanks for your warm welcome folks.

Pics below of the piece I'm proudest of. Had done one footed bowl under instruction and this was my first solo attempt; have to confess it was what we Aussies call 'more a*rse than class'. Ie. mostly luck!

It's Tasmanian blackwood, an acacia species, finished with Danish Oil and about 8" across.

The other piece is Jarrah burl - a eucalyptus species. About 12" across; also finished with DO (complete with lint from the wipe-off).


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    Tas. blackwood2.jpg
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    Jarrah burl.jpg
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    Jarrah burl1.jpg
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Great looking pieces Ern. I really like the tripod bowl/dish!

If you can resize your pictures to about 640 x 480 pixels (more or less), they should be about right. Hope to see more.
Thanks guys.

Yeah, a good curve on a nice bit of wood ... that's been my aim.

Been adding pics to the gallery; more to come later today.

welcome, i like your pieces, what,s a WoWie? :confused: