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help with Pinnacle Lathe Chuck

Dec 18, 2007
As a newcomer in this area, I have resurrected a jet 1236 lathe and am just beginning to learn the "art" of turning. Having had enough experience with mediocre tools in the past, I don't want to make the same mistake again.
I am considering the "Pinnacle Lathe Chuck" manufactured in China for Woodcraft and billed as a 4 jaw self centering scroll chuck. Does anyone have experience with this chuck?
Should I purchase a better chuck for this lathe or is it overkill considering what lathe i am starting with?
Any suggestions would be appreciated

I would recommend buying the best chuck you can afford. I started with the Supernova and eventually moved to Vicmarc chucks. Day and night difference on any lathe. Go with a Oneway Talon if you want to buy from Woodcraft.

just an opinion though.

I was once told that there are only 2 rules to wood turning:
Rule One, Don't turn boring wood.
Rule Two, Don't put anything in a chuck that you wouldn't mind getting hit in the face with.
Since I got rid of my cheap chucks and bought Oneway products I haven't had to worry about rule two. The reality is that you get what you pay for and there is a reason that Oneway and Vicmark products cost more. They are worth every penny spent.
Chucks are tools that grow as you grow, adding new jaws and another body as you think of something else you'd like to do. If you front-load the purchase with something like the chucks mentioned - I'm Novas - you have a pretty fair chance of being able to expand your options. Probably even have a body that you'll want to keep using.

I think very little of the Oneway stable of jaws, because they're loaded toward mashing wood, something I don't like to do. Dovetail holds are what I like best, because they're simple, effective, and when sized properly, non-marring. I'd make my buy based on the number of dovetailed jaw options available.

To get a good start, I'd recommend the equivalent of the 2" that everybody has, and a set of 1" pin jaws. They're also your chuck for spinning stoppers, tops and such.

If that Pinnacle fits and moves smoothly and equally, probably a good bargain. If it's a bargain you're after. Don't buy it mail order.
This is the only problem about asking a question about equipment. First off there is not a chuck made that I have not ripped a piece out of or could rip a piece out of. More important is using proper procedures in securing your wood to the chuck, or face plate or any other means of getting your piece on the lathe. There is no magic bullet chuck that will overcome bad mounting practices or bad turning techniques or that occasional massive catch! Brand loyalty is the norm among turners, myself included (Thompson Lathe Tools for instance). No matter what brand chuck you will find people using them every day without problem, no matter which you choose focus on the correct way to put the wood in and practice, practice, practice you turning techniques. Hope this helps.