One of the fellows at work on my team mentioned he knew I was into “woodworking†and asked if I wanted some wood. He provided the attached link that clearly defines the meaning of “Drinking from a fire hoseâ€.😱
He said the city workers were going to begin removing the tree 9/2 because of the damage it is doing to the sidewalks and potential power issues. He is going to give me some measurements but said 4 people had trouble getting their arms around this. It is an oak tree (not sure what type) located near Richmond Virginia, and I can’t guess how old it might be.
He has asked me if I would like the workers to set anything aside for me during the process. The crotch areas are massive so I’m thinking that should be my answer in addition to any burls. Your advice is highly welcomed. I told him I would make a set of commemorative bowls for his family, and I want to make sure I do it proud.
He also mentioned the city was only going to pay half of his removal cost which was in the thousands. He didn’t mention wanting assistance to help pay for his half of the removal, but if you have advice I could share that might help I’m sure it would be welcomed. I’ve asked him to check with local sawmills as a possibility to cut his costs.
He said the city workers were going to begin removing the tree 9/2 because of the damage it is doing to the sidewalks and potential power issues. He is going to give me some measurements but said 4 people had trouble getting their arms around this. It is an oak tree (not sure what type) located near Richmond Virginia, and I can’t guess how old it might be.
He has asked me if I would like the workers to set anything aside for me during the process. The crotch areas are massive so I’m thinking that should be my answer in addition to any burls. Your advice is highly welcomed. I told him I would make a set of commemorative bowls for his family, and I want to make sure I do it proud.
He also mentioned the city was only going to pay half of his removal cost which was in the thousands. He didn’t mention wanting assistance to help pay for his half of the removal, but if you have advice I could share that might help I’m sure it would be welcomed. I’ve asked him to check with local sawmills as a possibility to cut his costs.