Hello Christey, from a fellow Tennessean, moved here from up north in 1970! (I joke that Pittsburgh is a good place to be FROM!)
My Lovely Bride is not the least bit interested in turning (I don't think I've ever seen her in the shop) but she is highly supportive and uses things I make for her!
I've turned a bunch of bowls over the years but prefer smaller things and from dry wood. (I love to cut up green wood into turning blanks for drying.) I don't sell things except by accident or when my arm gets twisted too hard. I guess my favorite thing is teaching! When people ask how much I charge I tell them a good story or a good joke. A couple still owe me; their jokes were somewhat lacking. 🙂
Going to the symposium in Franklin the end of Jan? I've missed for some years for medical reasons but have signed up for this year. A lot of turners from all over TN (and outside) go.
Having two lathes in the shop is wonderful, both for students, and to keep one project set up while working on another.