I'm gonna guess that BP is Bartlett Pear?
We used to get a lot of bartlet pear in Maryland.
If wind or ice were forecast the big limbs would start falling off out of fright.
Especially Nice to tur when green( orange)
Have fun!
we have always called it Bradford pear around here.....it does not have any fruit.......is there any difference in bartlett pear and Bradford pear???????
Brain crampwe have always called it Bradford pear around here.....it does not have any fruit.......is there any difference in bartlett pear and Bradford pear???????
Nice haul Charlie! I think that will keep you busy for a while! I like turning BP, and it will crack if not sealed well, and kept out of the sun. If you can rough turn it before it cracks, then you have a good shot at it not cracking. I put mine in a bag after sealing the roughout with anchorseal, and staple the bag shut. It will take a few months, maybe as many as 8 for it to stabilize, but it turns out nice.
Looks like you already put sealer on in the pics.........good for you and good luck with it!
me neither, but I fixed it.not sure why I get double pictures
Looks like you split the logs into quarters any tips on doing this the easy way
If you let it sit 3 months like that, I don't think you will have much to turn. As hot as this summer has been, it's going to check like crazy. Hope I'm wrong, but it acts like other fruit woods around here.yeah, I have sealed it, I like to keep it off the ground, with some air flow covered with good tarp....when bp is fresh cut it is waterlogged......I will let it sit at least 3 months( I still have several bp blanks that are at least 2 years old to turn.......doing the calabash zia series I do not rough turn, but turn to finally thickness and put turning in a wooden chest of drawers for a week or so, no air flow..(picked that up from JJ at st paul symposium 8 am sunday morning)......I turn it a good 3/8 thick with the bottom a lillte more.....the blank must be dry before I start the embellishment process or the wetness will bubble the surface....bp is probably my favorite wood to turn
If you let it sit 3 months like that, I don't think you will have much to turn. As hot as this summer has been, it's going to check like crazy. Hope I'm wrong, but it acts like other fruit woods around here.
Charlie I have heard people talk about cutting with the grain being a problem. I have not had any problem except the strings of shavings have to be cleared every now and then. If I am understanding I cut from the side of the log with the cut following the grain when I cut bowl blanks.
yes the strings of shavings is the problem......I can wack the wood with the grain faster than I can clean the shavings out of my electric chain saw.....I usually end up having to take the bar system off completely to clean it out several times before I am finished......I understand that there are some chains that this does not take place but I cannot give u any specifications
a myth.....on high surrounded by mists.....a chain that will cut with the grain as well as it does cross grain....
From the pictures that I've seen, there aren't any trees on the other planets.
It's dust storms on Mars... no snowstorms or hurricanes.
When they said that the moon is artificial and processed do they mean processed green cheese as opposed to aged green cheese? Processed cheese uses added ingredients like enzymes, sodium citrate, vegetable oils, and corn starch to make instant cheese ... no aging required. At least they didn't say it was Velveeta.![]()
well they did not talk about cheese, but maybe you could compare it to giant swiss cheese....they said they used the crashing of the booster into the surface of the moon with I guess sonar to decide that the moon is hollow....or not them but me sort of like swiss cheese![]()
they made a big deal about that the craters are all the same distance deep.....I do not know if this is true....
the program suggested that since there is renewed interest in going to moon and mars from multiple nations that something was going on......it just may be lockhart martin's claim that fusion drive within a decade is the prompt ,,,,anyway I hope a better chainsaw blade will come out of the outerspace gambit, one that cuts aged green cheese also![]()
One of the main questions concerning the moon was the fact it rang for several hours after crash landing the moon lander
after they were done with their mission to the moon. For a large object to ring for that length of time it would need to be hollow.
This has been observed on several occasions when NASA has directed craft into the surface of the moon at high speeds.
Obviously, you weren't watching Nova.Were UFO's and Bigfoot involved in this program as well?
But, NASA data also puts a damper on the green cheese theory as well ... whether aged or processed. I was looking forward to tasting some samples from the Apollo missions ... I had my Ritz crackers all ready just in case.
No they're not all the same depth. It's not a simple problem to analyze, but a major factor is the kinetic energy of the impact which is determined by the mass of the asteroid or whatever impacts the surface and the square of its velocity. But, the depth isn't a direct correlation to kinetic energy. At impact, energy is dissipated in all directions. As ejecta is removed from the surface, it makes the diameter of the crater a better indicator of the size of the impacting object.
It's "Lockheed Martin" my former employer before I retired. And, yes, because of research during the 60s many advances were made in metals able to withstand harsh environments (vibration, wear, forces, corrosion, temperature, shock) in order to achieve extended lifetimes. Better chainsaw blades could possibly be one of the results of those technology advances.
Asteroid impacts would punch holes (literally) in that idea as well as in a hollow moon..I would be at a loss to explain the physics of how a hollow sphere could come to exist in the first place, not to mention rationalizing that with the Moon's known mass. The Earth vibrates and it's not hollow AFAIK. That's how we area able to detect earthquakes.
You forgot to rationalize the moon ringing for a lengthy period of time after it was struck by the moon landers after they were done with the mission.
That was one of the reason's NASA wanted to repeat the experiment to try and understand the lengthy reverberations exhibited by the moon when
it is hit by an object with enough mass or inertia to cause the effect.
There is most likely a rational reason for the moon creating this effect, millions of years of asteroids impacting the surface might have created a dense
outer shell compared to the less dense materials collected by the low level of gravity of the moon.
According to the NASA link that Al gave, it has an iron and nickel core ans a basalt crust. From a physics perspective, a hollow moon defies explanation.
Why spend all that money going to other planets and the moon when we don't even know the life cycle of the great white shark? Seems we have enough down here to keep science busy for years.
Comedian said that there has to be intelligent life on other planets. You don't see them spending billions to get to earth.
basalt rock lunar.....
the holes are smaller than swiss cheese.....not much color in them
looks similar to Pompeii rock.....I think it has something to do with throwing up in the air......only thing is newton's theory with apples
If .....when you rip wood with a chainsaw......you just angle the bar a little bit.......the shavings you get will be smaller and not clog the saw as much.
I was at the local Sthil dealer today looking for a ripping chain, but they didn't know anything about its purpose. It's not surprising since they are a hardware store serving an urban market. They just said that nobody uses that kind of chain.
You can go to baileys chain selection page. Last choice will probably have to be "no" for low kickback.