So where does one begin... Once upon a time... Nah... Back in the good ol days.... Nope that doesn't work either.... Hi, my name is Gene and I have a wood turning addiction... or so my wife says. It is actually her fault. She had me retire from my corporate VP job 5yrs ago. So I got a pilots license, worked on my yard, and bought a CNC router and 3D printers. All are still in use today. But, she started watching YouTube videos of people making pens, bowls and other nicknacks. So that brings me to now. I just got my little Laguna Revo 1216(it is what fits in her garage and would be playing now except UPS destroyed the stand that the lathe goes on. Now I am not a complete noob as I took wood shop in Jr High and High School, but that was almost 50yrs ago. Just was able to pick up a guood deal on some quality HSS tools and I am reading everything I can along with watching all those YouTube videos my wife has watched. Now about the only other things I need are a good chuck and a grinder. So, have I left anything off of my list? Let me know.