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Fran Ferrer

Sep 7, 2024
My name is Fran Ferrer, I live in the province of Barcelona, although I was born in the province of Huesca, I have been in the world of lathes since 2016. I have been working with wood for many more years, making handmade wooden toys, But in 2015 my path was broken, I began to go blind and entered a depression, from which the only way out I saw was to commit suicide so as not to be a burden on others. my family. One day my partner asked me to go for a walk and I asked him to go to one of the many fairs he had previously worked at, and so he did. He took me to a town near Vallgorgina, where the fair takes place. trees and farmers. Walking there, my companion explained what the stalls were about and to me. The vision was already very deteriorated, and that was where I met a turner who explained the twist of things to me and made a small piece right there. Back at our house, I told my partner that it would be good to have one of those lathes, She responded by saying my eyes were shining with excitement again as I hadn't seen them in days. That same week I acquired my lathe and was reporting and doing some testing. I found it very difficult, then I met a person at an event who gave me five classes and I also listened to videos and took tests.

In 2018, I stopped seeing completely, I stopped perceiving light, and I continued listening to videos on YouTube and attending some events here in Spain such as Xermade. I myself began to show what I knew how to do and obtained my craftsman's license. In 2019 I was offered a trip to Brazil to Pomerode, where I gave my first international demonstration, at their turners' meeting. At the end of 2019, the idea of creating an association was also born. Of the turners that were created during the covid pandemic, the association is called illusion chips. You can find it on the Internet. I continued doing demonstrations, and with my dear friend Matías Castro from the Argentine tournament house we started a series of live shows on Instagram in Spanish, conducting interviews with different turners from around the world.

Later in 2020 we created within our association the Giro school in which I myself teach every week and through which more than a hundred students from Spain and some countries outside of Argentina, Chile, France, etc. have already passed, in 2022 we will obtain the Master Craftsman Diploma, which is the highest achievement that an artisan can achieve in Spain, and must be recognized by an autonomous community. In my case, it was the Generalitat of Catalonia that granted it to me and its president gave it to me. This year, 2024, I traveled again to Brazil, where I was able to meet in person, giving a great surprise to my dear friend Matías Castro, who I didn't have the pleasure of meeting just from talking on Washap and Instagram, and we finally got to touch each other like his whole family. We lived through very exciting moments and we are sure that they will happen again. Now we continue with school and in addition to teaching we also have to learn, so I joined this AAW association, since I believe it is the best in the world and where I can learn. more things. I must apologize for my English, since I have to use a Google translator, I hope I haven't done many things wrong in the translation and that you can at least get to know me.

My intention in this world of the lathe is first to have fun and help people with illnesses to channel the negative emotions they produce through the lathe, since I consider that the lathe is the best psychologist I have ever had, I am referring to terminal illnesses, or degenerative diseases that force us to retire from our working life at an early age, and to have thoughts of feeling burdensome for our families, I am willing to help these people and I know that great things are done in this regard by this Association.

Finally, if you ever travel to Barcelona, you are invited to visit us at our facilities and put together a piece, a big hug to all


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Sep 7, 2024
My turning process is long, it takes me longer than other people to make a piece, since I have to touch the piece a lot, and most of the time to better perceive the piece I do it with the lathe turning something that I should not do in public. Although on some occasions I get out of hand involuntarily, when I repeat a piece that I have already made it is faster and easier since I try to memorize the shapes. To carry out a public demonstration at any event, I previously do it many times in the workshop in this way I manage to reduce time, for me it is great fun and I perceive where my limit is with the tool.
Jan 6, 2013
¡Bienvenido Fran! Es un placer conocerte al foro. Espero que algún día nos encontremos en persona. ¡Qué grandes logros!
Jan 20, 2022
Apple Valley, MN
As a retired teacher and struggling wood turner I am inspired by your turning and your willingness to inspire others to press on no matter their situation.
May 22, 2022
Cheltenham, PA
You are amzing Fran as others have said. Your story brings tears to my eyes. I admire your courage and bravery. To go on from the depths of depression to move onto inspiring and helping others, thank you for sharing your story and inspiring me and many others. Welcome to the AAW.