I hate to extend this thread, but here goes... I have done my share of so-called fractal burning or Lictenberg pyrography, and still do it. I happen to like the effect, in some cases. I also think I do it safely (but seriously, who doesn't think that about themselves - so that's a non-statement).
That said: I entirely agree and support the AAW's position.
There are many dangers involved in our craft, but it seems to me that most of them are in some way "visible" (or audible, etc): you can see the sharp teeth on a chainsaw flying around the bar, you can see the chunks of wood flinging towards your face, you can see the sawdust in the air.
Even though we can see the danger, most of us need some education and occasional reminding about those dangers (like: I see the dust, but "forget" to wear my mask). However, the visibility of the danger (i.e. the dust) can make the safety lesson easier to understand (I shouldn't put that in my lungs) and also serves to remind (cough, cough... where's my mask?).
Most "normal" folks have no idea how electricity works. On top of that, most of those who do haven't a clue about what happens at high voltage, when the air itself becomes a conductor. Also there's no visible evidence of the danger: seems to me that makes this dangerous to promote.
Even if you "educate" someone about high-voltage safety, once they're on their own they have no visible reminder - it's all just book-learnin'. So regardless of your own skill or understanding, transferring that knowledge to another person doesn't really carry with it any visible reminder of the lesson, and we all tend to loose those purely academic lessons eventually.
So no matter how much _I_ (or you) might understand high-voltage electricity and how safely work with it, I don't know that I can properly transfer that same level of knowledge and safe-practices to someone else (and make it stick). Since part of the AAW's mission is education, I can't see how they can either. And as education starts with promotion (here's something cool... come learn how to do it) they can't very well promote it (here's something cool... don't do it?). So no promotion makes total sense.
Just my $0.02 (or less). You may now return to flinging wood chips at your face (and/or face-shield).
PS: Please don't misinterpret me as saying electricity is the same as sawdust. I'm sure they're probably different in several interesting ways.
PPS: Please don't misunderstand: I'm not calling anyone here "normal".