Dave Smith said:
I am glad you are doing the test because engineers have to do something while operators make the plant run.
Har har.

We're all friends here; no reason to take shots at my profession.
Let me make this clear, since your posts are coming across as defensive:
I don't doubt that your results were arrived at after much testing.
I don't think you pulled the method out of thin air, or a body part.
I don't doubt that you get the results you claim.
I don't doubt that other's results match yours.
I don't have any preconceived notions about what the results are going to be.
I'm a curious person. I've seen many, many claims of the magic of DNA drying, but I've never seen anyone test it against drying without DNA. I'm curious to how much of a difference there will be. I'm sure other turners are, as well, so I thought I'd share it.
Either way, I should get at least one finished bowl out of the deal, eh?