I listed two Oneway Items for sale on the Want Ads board. The bed extension has sold, the wheel set remains (see original ad at the bottom). I'll let the item go for $70 if you make the check payable to the Phil Brennion Fund. I can bring the set to the Symposium or you pay shipping from 08210. I'll ship the least expensive way that I can find.
Phil Brennion - Five year AAW Board member and President for two years, is in need of our help. Physically challenged since 1982, Phil is now a quadriplegic, undergoing extensive physical therapy and in financial difficulty.
Brennion Account 778853713, to this address:
American Association of Woodturners
222 Landmark Center
75 West Fifth St.
St. Paul, MN 55102
Wheel Set for Oneway 1640. Oneway part number H0095 "For lathe transportation". Like new, never used. Sells new for $119.25 + shipping. Will sell for $85
Mike Cunningham
Phil Brennion - Five year AAW Board member and President for two years, is in need of our help. Physically challenged since 1982, Phil is now a quadriplegic, undergoing extensive physical therapy and in financial difficulty.
Brennion Account 778853713, to this address:
American Association of Woodturners
222 Landmark Center
75 West Fifth St.
St. Paul, MN 55102
Wheel Set for Oneway 1640. Oneway part number H0095 "For lathe transportation". Like new, never used. Sells new for $119.25 + shipping. Will sell for $85
Mike Cunningham