Welcome to the fold my friend.
You have touched on one of the most controversial subjects in woodturning. I say this because food-safe will split the camps in two.
1)Those who say the finish must be FDA certified (or tested at least) to be food-safe, non-toxic, etc.
2) Those who say that all finishes are food safe once they have been properly cured.
PERSONALLY, I fall into group 1. The main reason for this is that I sell my products and I do not want any leverage against me after the sale.
That said, I have used with some success, Behlens salad bowl finish. It can be a bit finicky to apply, as it it wiped on and required a good 4-6 coats. It dries rather slow, so I only get about 2 coats/day. The coats are thin to avoid sags and drips, so it is buffed through easily. With those caviats, it is glossy, and will protect the wood and is glossy.
Waxs are glossy to start with, but will dull.
I do a good compromise and will put a coat of Behlens on the wood to seal the wood better, let it dry and then use Claphans Salad Bowl Wax over the top of that. It is not glossy, but is a good finish.