• Congratulations to Curt Vogt winner of the February 2025 Turning Challenge (click here for details)
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First Turning Symposium – An Eye Opener

Jun 20, 2010
Eastern Tennessee
First let me state that I started turning mid-July 2010. As a neophyte I had great anticipations upon arrival to the Tennessee Association of Woodturners 24th annual symposium in Nashville. There were many turnings and all of excellent quality. The variety of forms, embellishments and compositions were simply a treat to behold. For brevity, the wonderful demonstrations are not mentioned; the gallery is the focus of these musing.

Your mind's eye assigns a size to well-proportioned pieces when viewing a picture. I was surprised that some of the prominent turnings, having been previously featured in other venues, are much smaller than I imagined. Photographs can not capture the spirit and stunning eminence of the actual art form. What struck me most was how the technical components magically combined into a harmonized whole that exceeded the magnificent craftsmanship and finishing elements alone. Without a doubt, the displayed works of the professional turners possessed an extra vibrancy that propels their creations into the upper stratosphere of artistic rare air.

I now have a new benchmark to strive when assessing my work. Another interesting aside is the double bind of my “internet apprenticeship.” The internet is a wonderful vehicle to obtain information from worldwide sources and gain access to forums of people who share similar pursuits. However, I have found that forums cultivate an orthodoxy that influences the parameters of critiques. It is not a bad thing; it is just part of the dynamics of group interactions. Now I recognize there is a greater turning world out there with many directions.
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William, i attended last year, the instant gallery is quite good and compares to national symposium quality wise. look to atlanta in '13.
William, at regional symposium you can see everything, gallery and vendor wise, you can usually see at least one rotation of each demonstrator, the national one you just have to enjoy what you do see and accept that there is no way to do everything.
2013 Symposium - NOT Atlanta

I too was looking forward to the 2013 Symposium in Atlanta. It would have probably been the only one I was ever able to attend in person. I live about 65 miles Southwest of Atlanta. Proximity was key for me.

However, I saw an email about and have heard lots of rumors regarding the 2013 Symposium being cancelled in Atlanta / moved to Tampa. I have not been able to find any proof-positive of that decision here on the AAW site.

Oops! On the map of past and future venues, I see that the 2013 location is described as "Dates and location to be determined", but a red year number 2013 is posted by Tampa. ???

Boo Hoo :(:(
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You head won't explode but the AAW Is overwhelming

The 2013 AAW Symposium is in Tampa. Atlanta and Tampa were the two finalists. The board voted for Tampa because of the bigger facility.
Big issue was the banquet facility Atlanta seats around 1200 Tampa seats around 3000.
AAW has sold out the banquet the past 2 years and needs around 1600 seats.

You should have gotten an email from AAW explaining the board's vote.
In 2009 AAW chose the Marietta site while I was on the Board.
But we never got into contract with the Marietta site.

Hopefully you can make the trip to Tampa. It is an easy day's drive from Atlanta.
Get together with a group in your area come down a van and share the fun.

Currently parking at the conventIon center is $5 a day which is great for folks who pick motels a ways out.
If anyone wants to camp at hillsborough river state park, it is 20 miles and half hour drive to the Convention center.

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holy cow, glad i have not made reservations yet, course it is a ways out, Tampa, hard to get atlanta out of my mind, instead of 85 now 95,4......
indian rocks or clearwater?????????
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Al, i visited the tampa club when they had DE for the day, course that was just before i was diagnosed and before i started taken meds, my sugar was effecting my thinking and i lost 30 lbs. glad yall did not cut off my water consumption that day. i appreciated the hospitality i was shown that visit and look forward to visiting that area again. really be nice to have a bus from a hotel on the beach, even if it was extra $$.
Just got back from the TAW symposium myself. It was great. I got to see lots of friends and lots of turnings. That's what it's all about isn't it. The demos and vendors are just icing on the cake.
I left before the dinner and banquet. I have to do a marathon run to Atlanta and back tomorrow and decided I should get home early and rest.
Can't wait to get in the shop and try some of the of the things I picked up.

A beach location might interest some folks. It is probably an hour drive making for a long day.
The AAW would be reluctant to block room as there is usually a stiff penalty if the block isn't filled to some level like 80% .

Remember AAW is a volunteer.
If you or anyone else wants to chair a beach committee, I think we can make that happen.
You might find a hotel that would provide van service seerAl times a day..

