here is my first platter its Ash 9"x1" this was fun to turn but it dont last long enough 🙂
I used Dave Smiths alky method to dry it I soaked it for 24 hrs then it had over 3 weeks to dry. The platter had very little movement! I was very pleased with the outcome using this method and will try it again on another platter soon!
It was cut off a thick bowl blank didnt want to waste the excess wood by turning it down. there is some nice curl and a small inclusion, No finish just buffed with the Beall buff.
sorry for the bad pics I need to set up a booth and get a better camera! 😱
I used Dave Smiths alky method to dry it I soaked it for 24 hrs then it had over 3 weeks to dry. The platter had very little movement! I was very pleased with the outcome using this method and will try it again on another platter soon!
It was cut off a thick bowl blank didnt want to waste the excess wood by turning it down. there is some nice curl and a small inclusion, No finish just buffed with the Beall buff.
sorry for the bad pics I need to set up a booth and get a better camera! 😱
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