I have said this in other forums, and I will say it here - I have the best wife in the world! She knows I want a lathe - and instead of going out and purchasing one herself for me - she did one better. She went to Lee Valley and talked to someone there and purchased a beginner set of Henry Taylor tools, a manual and DVD - thereby giving me the green light to pick out my own lathe.
Now - I have used my brother's lathe a little - so I know I like it, but I am still completely novice. I am getting something that will last, is of good quality, and gives me plenty of options in what I can do with it (ie. turn pens if I desire, bowls, spindles, etc.)
I have a few questions that I would appreciate if you learned people could assist with.
1. When I researched the lathes - I understand most of the stuff I read, but I have a question when it comes to turning bowls. Say I get a lathe that has a 14" swing over capacity, but the head stock turns. Should I still limit myself to a 14" piece of stock when turning a bowl - or to what size can I turn safely ? 16", 18", 20" ??
2. I have already researched many lathes - I am leaning towards a Jet 1442VS - with the legs of course. I have also considered the Delta 14" Cast Iron (which will be easier to get in the Toronto area as there doesn't seem to be any dealers of Jet in this area). I tend to get more machine than I really need - so I am trying to be reasonable here. Is there anything I should really look for or is there something else I should consider.
3. Whats the deal with Oneway ? It is spoken in reverent whispered tones as the paragon of turning machines - but the bloody things are expensive. Are they really worth it? I could probably afford the 1224 but I obviously don't know their worth.
4. Any valid suggestions or tips would be appreciated - the more I research, the less certain I become on which lathe is right for me. I was originally going with the Jet 1236 - but now want something a little larger - that I can grow with - as the wife already placed several things on my todo list. So - help!
Now - I have used my brother's lathe a little - so I know I like it, but I am still completely novice. I am getting something that will last, is of good quality, and gives me plenty of options in what I can do with it (ie. turn pens if I desire, bowls, spindles, etc.)
I have a few questions that I would appreciate if you learned people could assist with.
1. When I researched the lathes - I understand most of the stuff I read, but I have a question when it comes to turning bowls. Say I get a lathe that has a 14" swing over capacity, but the head stock turns. Should I still limit myself to a 14" piece of stock when turning a bowl - or to what size can I turn safely ? 16", 18", 20" ??
2. I have already researched many lathes - I am leaning towards a Jet 1442VS - with the legs of course. I have also considered the Delta 14" Cast Iron (which will be easier to get in the Toronto area as there doesn't seem to be any dealers of Jet in this area). I tend to get more machine than I really need - so I am trying to be reasonable here. Is there anything I should really look for or is there something else I should consider.
3. Whats the deal with Oneway ? It is spoken in reverent whispered tones as the paragon of turning machines - but the bloody things are expensive. Are they really worth it? I could probably afford the 1224 but I obviously don't know their worth.
4. Any valid suggestions or tips would be appreciated - the more I research, the less certain I become on which lathe is right for me. I was originally going with the Jet 1236 - but now want something a little larger - that I can grow with - as the wife already placed several things on my todo list. So - help!