Have seen references to using auto wax for final step in finishing. What type of polish is recommended?
As materials are means to an end, what end result are you after?
If you're after a soft/organic finish with the tactile feel of wood, a oil or oil varnish / carnauba is hard to beat - several on this forum get great results from that combination. Instead of worrying about polishing, which is rubbing with a fine-grit, I would think sanding the raw wood to at least 500 and then several coats of oil and finally wax.
If you are after gloss, the finishing effort now jumps several fold. Above Bill mentions pre-cat lacquer from his club - while I haven't a clue what it is, I would bet it is a higher solids material than is commonly sold in hardware stores. High solids is great stuff and it is the most difficult to apply due to "orange peel". Take a look at your car, any car including your Porsche or Ferrari - the surface has a definite orange peel look. A well done and consistent orange-peel surface looks good on a car but it looks terrible on turnings. Considering the fact that turnings are inherently more difficult to coat than cars and are generally coated in garage environments, the "rubbing out" becomes a stand-alone art form.
Back to your original question, in my process polishing is the last step in rubbing-out. To echo the comments above, if you haven't "flattened" and sanded to 2000 or 3000, polishing is a waste.
I understand you're in the Ft. Worth club - would love to visit and see your work. Several of your comments imply you've charged off in the same weeds I'm in. And since you're obviously in to abrasives, check out Assilex from Eagle Abrasives. It's outrageously expensive but worth twice the price. I only use the DA to knock off big bumps and then go to hand-sanding with Assilex - it allows me to DRY SAND all the way to 3000 and then compound/polish.
John Bill said:John
I am also in the fort worth club and have seen Bill's work and his dyed bowls and platters are worth seeing. Do not think I have seen any better finish including Clewes work. We meet the last thursday of each month except Nov (moved forward a week due to thanksgiving and Dec, no meeting). Normally start at 6:30. this monthwe are having an open turning starting at 3pm and ending at 6pm.