out of all the things in turning thusfar finishing remains the most difficult. Im doing a series of big bowls for someone which were very spalted silver maple. I tried WOP for a finish because the client wanted something very glossy. But the WOP just kept on sinking in and sinking in and would not stay on the surface. I then applied 2 layers of shellac hand sanding in between with 200 and 400 grit as the can suggested- I then applied a layer of poly on top of that but after it has dried a bit I can see all my hand sanding marks all over the finish. I dont know if I'm pressing too hard or what but I can clearly see all the sanding marks. should I just use 600 between coats to even out that gloppy shellac? Should I sand all the way down back to wood and start over? so confused here. WOP has worked great on all other finishes but that rotty wood lovvves to drink... thanks for any advice, happy turnin,