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Finished Sun Inlay Tray

Aug 4, 2015
Pleasant Valley MD. U.S.A
Hello Once again I had a few hours today to put the final finish on this piece.
After letting the Tung Oil dry for a few weeks I sanded it w/ 220 and applied several coats of Deft Sanding Sealer sanding in between coats; then w/ a rattle can Deft clear gloss Lacquer I sprayed the finish, it's now ready for the customer to pick up.



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That would take a lot of skill to do an inlay like that! My complements on a great project! What are the woods and the finish, please?
That would take a lot of skill to do an inlay like that! My complements on a great project! What are the woods and the finish, please?
Sorry about that John I posted this piece when I first turned it and told that it was Sapele Mahogany w/ a curly / Tiger Maple Sun inlay; the finish was Tung oil first after drying a few weeks I used Deft sanding sealer a Lacquer based product applying several coats sanding between each coat, then I spray w/ a rattle can Deft High gloss clear Lacquer several coats.

Thank you for looking in on my project,

The only downside to sanding sealer is the zinc stearate which is used to make the sealer sandable also reduces the clarity of the finish a bit. A high solids lacquer such as what is available at Craft Supplies might be a better solution to filling pores in the grain.
The only downside to sanding sealer is the zinc stearate which is used to make the sealer sandable also reduces the clarity of the finish a bit. A high solids lacquer such as what is available at Craft Supplies might be a better solution to filling pores in the grain.

I thought Deft lacquer sanding sealer is a nitrocellulose lacquer product. Which type of sanding sealer has high solids lacquer? Mylands?
I thought Deft lacquer sanding sealer is a nitrocellulose lacquer product. Which type of sanding sealer has high solids lacquer? Mylands?

My answer should have been clearer. I wasn't referring to a sanding sealer, but to a topcoat with high solids content such as Masters Magic from Craft Supplies (https://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/...dium=edition&utm_campaign=spring-2015-catalog). I noticed that they also have a sanding sealer with high solids (https://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/...dium=edition&utm_campaign=spring-2015-catalog).
Thank you guys for the reply and kind words; I've been using this product for over 30 years and love its workability and forgiveness as you work with it and also it's very fast dry time, just be sure and let it cure FULLY and then cover it w/ a good wax like Carnuba tree wax to protect the finish.
I'm looking forward to doing more of these everyone seems to really like this piece and I already have several ideas for my next few pieces.

It is a beautiful piece Bruce. I am curious though as to your logic in applying lacquer over tung oil. What role does the tung oil play that that a thinned lacquer would not have done?

Dennis this is a good question; Mainly it's a speed thing w/ using the Tung oil to see what your finished piece will look like when done; but the oil fills the grain of the wood a bit and brings out a rich hue and depth to the piece. The sanding sealer & Lacquer gives you the glossy sine; not to say you couldn't achieve very close to the same look w/ just sanding sealer & Lacquer.
There are many ways to get a great finish it all depends on what your looking for; Tung Oil on it's own has been used for centuries for a final finish on wood.
