After the last hurricane I came across some large Ficus trunks and gave it a try. It turned very easy and was nice looking wood. It's light colored with a grain that reminded me of ash, but with a very different texture and much much softer. I would think it would be a good wood for embellishing (carving, piercing, coloring, whatever). I found that it warped and cracked like crazy and decided it wasn't worth the hassles to me. Too much other good wood to choose from.
I don't know what type of Ficus I tried, but there are at least 12 different types in my area. Another member of my club brought in a ficus bowl that looked great. He didn't know what species, but he reported the wood to be very stable and not problematic at all. So maybe you just have to find the right species, but I can't tell you what it is. I don't know of any other turners in my area that have bothered to try it.
I would say give it a try, but don't bring home a ton of it unless you have a way to get rid of it if it doesn't work out.