What are your favorite instructional videos, what do they cover, and why do you like them best?
I currently have no videos/dvds in the house, but would like to add some--hopefully at the recommendation of this group. I find myself re-reading the 15 or so books I have on hand. The Ray Key and Keith Rowley books get the most use, as they speak a great deal on form. "Singing" Form is so elusive... *sigh*
At any rate lol, please do post up any books, VHSs, or DVDs that you felt inspired by, or that gave you insight into areas previously unconsidered.
I currently have no videos/dvds in the house, but would like to add some--hopefully at the recommendation of this group. I find myself re-reading the 15 or so books I have on hand. The Ray Key and Keith Rowley books get the most use, as they speak a great deal on form. "Singing" Form is so elusive... *sigh*
At any rate lol, please do post up any books, VHSs, or DVDs that you felt inspired by, or that gave you insight into areas previously unconsidered.