2 days after the box elder binge, I really did it by bringing a trunk load of crab apple that had just been cut outside my office for road reconstruction.
This is for those with different tastes and color from the box elder post 😀 They are still drying before Danish oil finish.
How come my previous stashes of wood (2 storage sheds, one long line of wood along the driveway, and annex of wood under a tarp and wood in the basement I trip over) don't seem to diminish?? Am I really a Woodalcoholic?, Gretch
This is for those with different tastes and color from the box elder post 😀 They are still drying before Danish oil finish.
How come my previous stashes of wood (2 storage sheds, one long line of wood along the driveway, and annex of wood under a tarp and wood in the basement I trip over) don't seem to diminish?? Am I really a Woodalcoholic?, Gretch