Ok guys (and gals). Last night I had the 3rd foreign body in my eye over the last 8-10 years. Arose from the shop basement at 7 pm and washed my arms and face. Then changed my T shirt/pants. A minute or 2 later while making a salad, a "chunk" fell into my eye. ( probably from my hair- changing shirts.) Used cordial "shot" glass ( knew it was good for something) to rinse eye ball-several times-it was quite painful-more than my other for. bodies. I though maybe I should be using the shot glass in another way!!!
After fussing 30 minutes with eye tricks, I called my friendly veterinary ophthalmologist and he met me at the veterinary clinic in 20 minutes after inquiring if I could drive. He numbed it, scanned with slit lamp, then rolled the lid back and there it was (I had told him he couldn't miss it-it was as large as a golf ball) . He snatched it out with a Q tip. Said it was very sharp, and embedded -almost like someone had cut it with a sharp gauge!!!! It was no speck. I could see it without my glasses on!!!! (1/16"+???) If I went to the human emergency room I would still be there 12 hours later.
My other foreign body came when I put on my face shield. Can't remember the circumstances of the other saw dust foreign body.
Moral of the story=#1-sometimes it just doesn't pay to get out of bed-
#2 Get to know a friendly ophthalmologist!!!!!Not sure how I can prevent this sort of problem. Others out there have similar issues??????Feeling good this am and about to hit the basement,
After fussing 30 minutes with eye tricks, I called my friendly veterinary ophthalmologist and he met me at the veterinary clinic in 20 minutes after inquiring if I could drive. He numbed it, scanned with slit lamp, then rolled the lid back and there it was (I had told him he couldn't miss it-it was as large as a golf ball) . He snatched it out with a Q tip. Said it was very sharp, and embedded -almost like someone had cut it with a sharp gauge!!!! It was no speck. I could see it without my glasses on!!!! (1/16"+???) If I went to the human emergency room I would still be there 12 hours later.
My other foreign body came when I put on my face shield. Can't remember the circumstances of the other saw dust foreign body.
Moral of the story=#1-sometimes it just doesn't pay to get out of bed-
#2 Get to know a friendly ophthalmologist!!!!!Not sure how I can prevent this sort of problem. Others out there have similar issues??????Feeling good this am and about to hit the basement,