"Vertical Solution" Sharpening Jig
If you want a foolproof, accurate, and repeatable system to produce a perfect Ellsworth grind on your Ellsworth style gouges (e.g. 5/8" diameter steel, 1/2" parabolic flute), you might investigate the grinding jig system produced by Don Geiger. Have a look at:
Geiger's Solutions Pro Sharp System
I have the original, older version of the 'Vertical Solution' and have been using it for years. Don's original sharpening jig system was designed to produce the Ellsworth grind specifically, and its support arm simply fits into the Wolverine's mounts at your grinder. The system includes a spacer jig that allows accurate adjustment of the distance of the jig's pocket from the wheel, which compensates for wheel wear and diameter reduction in use, making this adjustment parameter "right on" every time. Using a "standard" Ellsworth grinding jig (with it's fixed angle) and a standard extension of the tool's tip from the jig, makes all of the settings needed extremely repeatable and quick. It will also work with a Vari-Gind jig, once you standardize it to match the Ellsworth angle and tip extension distance - the 9.75" Bill mentioned.
The original version I have allows very easy sharpening of an Ellsworth gouge in 30 seconds or less (with experience) that removes only a very small amount of metal. I have used this system with both of my Ellsworth gouges, with a 15V Glaser gouge, and several gouges from Thompson Lathe Tools - it performs very well with all.
I can't comment on the newer "Pro Sharp 4X" system since I have not used it.
This might be an alternative for you that makes sharpening the swept-back profile extremely easy and very repeatable as to set-up and minimal metal removal.
As with everything related to woodturning, practice makes perfect....
Good luck!
Rob Wallace