Have you ever used your ELBO-2 with KILN dried wood; if so, how was it's performance under those circumstances? Was the setup more "catchy" than with green wood, and did it require you to stop and resharpen during the hollowing sessions a lot more often than with green wood? Did the setup "fight-you" more than with green wood?
Is the ELBO-2 rig more forgiving when used with the 1/2" John Jordan hollowing tools for smaller vessels?
When you begin a hollowing session on a piece, do you start by boring out the middle with a forstner bit before you begin the hollowing effort, or do you go right into using the straight hollowing tool without a starter hole?
If you do drill a starter hole with a forstner bit, I assume that you start your ELBO-2 hollowing with the straight tool to complete the middle area of the hollow form and switch to the hook tool once you get close to the curved portions of the vessel; is that correct?
Is the ELBO-2 rig more forgiving when used with the 1/2" John Jordan hollowing tools for smaller vessels?
When you begin a hollowing session on a piece, do you start by boring out the middle with a forstner bit before you begin the hollowing effort, or do you go right into using the straight hollowing tool without a starter hole?
If you do drill a starter hole with a forstner bit, I assume that you start your ELBO-2 hollowing with the straight tool to complete the middle area of the hollow form and switch to the hook tool once you get close to the curved portions of the vessel; is that correct?