Trying to make egg boxes. Looked at several videos and appear to be going about it correctly but, ta, da, the pieces don't match up perfectly all the way around. They must be put together exactly the same way each time or there's a slight overhang on whatever edge. I turn the piece round off a steb center, make a skew cut to divided the long and short end, then part it and put the short end in a chuck and form the contour and hollow out the center then true up the surface and sand. Then I put the long end in the chuck, make the tenon by back and forthing with the short end for a tight fit then hollow out the center. Then I put the two together and bring up the tailstock and true up both pieces together. Smooth all the way around then I turn each piece around, separately, and put them in the chuck and finish off the remaining tenon that was used to hold them in the chuck. When all is said and done they don't fit true again. I'm not the brightest bulb in the string but I am bewildered by this. Any help???