Tenon for Escoulen Chuck
Before you can do anything with this chuck you have to be able to mount the workpiece properly (that applies to any chuck).
The tenon should be tapered slightly and should reach the far side of the ball but not stick out.
The tenon gauge should fit over the tenon half-way along the length. This should give the proper amount of taper.
Get a big hammer and pound the workpiece into place (a controlled drop onto a concrete floor will also work).
If the tenon starts to loosen, try water to get it to expand in the ball.
After parting off the workpiece, remove the tenon from the chuck using the hammer and a knock-out bar (or a bar and another controlled drop).
I would suggest that you practice making a few tenons and testing their fit as the first step in your journey toward mastering this interesting and challenging piece of equipment.
That is all that comes to mind at the moment. The doctor says that I have A.A.D.D. but he doesn't... Hey, look at that chicken!
I am not an expert by any means, but will try to answer any question you might have.