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Eccentric chuck review ??

Oct 29, 2005
wetter washington
A couple years ago there was a published review of eccentric chucks, the item that sticks in my brain was that one (some?) chucks couldn't be quickly setup twice, the same way, while one (some?) could.

Only, all the details, like which publication the review was in and which chuck(s) were easy to setup twice, the same way, have vanished from my brain

Anyone have a better memory then me (actually lots of you probably have better memories then, me, but I'm talking about the article....)

Unaware of the review you are talking. I am interested to read it also.

Escoulen original and deluxe, Sorby are almost impossible to reset to previous setting after you move the setting.
Axminster would allow you reset to the same position.
BUT, they don't do the same thing.
Axminster would only allow you to off set the center, the axis is always parallel to the lathe bed.
The Sorby allows both off set and rotate, but you always need the tail stock when you rotate the axis. You can't turn box or thin object this way.
The original Escoulen only allows for eccentric, but no off-center.
The Deluxe allows for both.
Both Escoulens allow turning without the tail stock.
They all have their pros and cons.

A couple years ago there was a published review of eccentric chucks

I don't know the publication specifically, but it sounds like the type of article that may be published in Fred Holder's More Woodturning. Here's a PDF of all articles; you can search "eccentric" and come up with quite a bunch just in the last few years. http://www.fholder.com/Woodturning/contents.pdf

You may be interested to know that Craft Supplies has the Escoulen Deluxe on close-out for only $245 - originally $350. http://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/store/Chucks___Multi_Axis_Chucks___Deluxe_Escoulen_Chuck___escoulen_deluxe?Args= I don't know what this means for the Escoulens, it seems Packard isn't carrying them (if they ever did) and with the closeout on the Deluxe at CS... I read a rumor about an Escoulen #3 but haven't been able to learn any more about it.
Owen, there is indeed a number 3, I've seen it at Jeannot's shop. it's different from the 2 others. If I remember correctly, it includes counterweights you can adjust. I'm not sure it has the same eccentric capabilities as the others (I believe you can offset, and not rotate).
regarding the closeout (I came in too late, it seems out of stock now, I would have bought it at this price), CS will stop distributing it, but another company will take over
