eBay wood purchases
Hello there,
I thought I'd add my own experiences as a English turner buying from the UK eBay site.
I've bought a fair amount of wood on eBay, but have tended to buy from established timber merchants. One in particular, from Scotland, offers packs containing a selection of bowl blanks and spindles in various woods, and they are excellent value. All items are as described and kiln dried and waxed.
I have bought of non-merchants, and as others have said, have generally been disapointed with the wood when it arrived. I bought Australian burrs and found they were not the ones pictured in the auction listing! Recouping money via eBay and paypal is so difficult and protracted, enough to make you cry, so I didn't bother.
It also strikes me that as turners we really ought to be "seeing" the timber in real life before buying. I bought one large Elm platter blank for a specific job, because the colour looked superb on eBay. When it arrived it was so insipid it could have been bleached. The seller said that his camera often gives pictures an orange hue!
So I suppose you take a chance unless it's an established supplier using eBay as an alternative marketing oultlet.
Good luck and happy turning
Andy Coates