The redbuds are in bloom. I knew I had a few, but they are just about impossible to find after they bloom. They stand out like a store thumb when in bloom. I found some 4" trees. Not very exciting. I found a bigger one on my neighbor's place. Then today I noticed two new bloomers. Big for redbud. I didn't have a tape measure but it looks like one is 12" and the other maybe 14". As it turns out, these are both right on my property line. If I decide to cut one down (one of them had woodpecker holes in it) I'll have to discuss with the neighbors. Anyway, here are the two big ones.

I think I could justify cutting down the one on the left since the main branch above the crotch is mostly dead.

I think I could justify cutting down the one on the left since the main branch above the crotch is mostly dead.