My lathe sits out from the wall about 18". If I was to take a 5 gallon plastic paint bucket and cut it to about half it's height. Then cut a 4" hole in the side and put a connector for my dust hose. Then mount it to the wall behind the lathe on some type of rail. When I got ready to sand I could move it behind the piece I was sanding and connect my dust collector to it. Do you think it would create enough suction to cause a fair amount of the sanding dust to be pulled into the bucket. My dust collector is rated at 650cfm. When I wasn't using it I could just slide it out of the way. I know they make some plastic dust collector hoods or ports whatever you call them. The problem with them is that the hose connects on the back and that wouldn't work for me. I'm just not sure if the collection port has to be kind of a funnel shape. Any suggestions. I see that some people sand inside plastic drums cut in half but I'm not really set up to do that.