I spent 35 years in a dedicated separate building for my woodshop. Now we have moved and downsized, so my shop is in the basement. That's fine in many ways-- it has plenty of light and sq. ft, it's dry, I don't have to turn up the heat prior to use-- except for the dust generation part. Prior to this basement I had a ceiling hung filtration unit (still do) and just above my lathe I had a super high CFM exhaust fan directed through the exterior wall. That exhaust fan idea not going to be an option here.
So, while I have all the typical turning shop tools including a large band saw, a table saw, and a lathe, I would really like to concentrate on lathe generated dust from power sanding. I guess it would be nice to get the chips and shavings too, but I'm pretty accustomed to the broom and shovel.
I cannot say that price is no object, but I want to get this right the first time.
Thanks, I plan to post this on every forum I know of, so excuse me if you see this around.
So, while I have all the typical turning shop tools including a large band saw, a table saw, and a lathe, I would really like to concentrate on lathe generated dust from power sanding. I guess it would be nice to get the chips and shavings too, but I'm pretty accustomed to the broom and shovel.
I cannot say that price is no object, but I want to get this right the first time.
- What kind of dust collection system is best for this?
- What kind of collection device at the lathe is best?
Thanks, I plan to post this on every forum I know of, so excuse me if you see this around.
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