Okay folks. I have been turning everything I can trying to work with various tools and to really understand their use, and effect on the different wood blanks. Up to this point I haven't worried so much about the finished product rather can I get this curve, or this bottom, or this universal thickness. I'm proud to say I must be doing something right because I am now starting to have people ask me to turn various things for them. Of course it's not show room stuff or anything I could sell, but still, proud to be asked.
So I am turning (no pun intended) my focus to the drying of the final product. As usual, I have read and watched many video's on this and like most things, there are varying thoughts My instructor says to turn the finish bowl, put it in a paper bag with moist shavings from the turn, and a week or so later (not exactly sure of the time) finish it by sanding and polish. Others say to turn a piece to 1 inch or 1/2 inch, put it in only a brown bag, then turn months later. I watched a video today that many use a bath of denatured alcohol to dry and then finish.
I would appreciate your thoughts on this. I do realize there is no one answer that will fit all turnings. Thanks in advance
****side note**** I have turned several end grain cedar bowls and for some reason, they don't shrink or warp at all. Needless to say I went back to the same cedar tree and cut out 15 more blanks that are 12 inches round by 20 inches long thinking I could get 30 blanks out of them.
So I am turning (no pun intended) my focus to the drying of the final product. As usual, I have read and watched many video's on this and like most things, there are varying thoughts My instructor says to turn the finish bowl, put it in a paper bag with moist shavings from the turn, and a week or so later (not exactly sure of the time) finish it by sanding and polish. Others say to turn a piece to 1 inch or 1/2 inch, put it in only a brown bag, then turn months later. I watched a video today that many use a bath of denatured alcohol to dry and then finish.
I would appreciate your thoughts on this. I do realize there is no one answer that will fit all turnings. Thanks in advance
****side note**** I have turned several end grain cedar bowls and for some reason, they don't shrink or warp at all. Needless to say I went back to the same cedar tree and cut out 15 more blanks that are 12 inches round by 20 inches long thinking I could get 30 blanks out of them.