I hope Aussie humor is accessible to you folk in the Northern hemisphere! So here goes ...
Ferrule - where you go when you discover a crack in your best bowl.
Chuck - as in 'chuck a fit'; what SWMBO does when she sees the credit card account entry for your last turning tool. (= She Who Must be Obeyed; see the Rumpole TV series if you got it over there.)
Checking - what SWMBO now does to your wallet every night.
Scraper - she's chucked a fit and you have to scraper off the floor.
Gouge - what the latest exchange rate for the USD feels like. (We're down to one AUD to less than 70c US).
Skew - effect on your outlook when you start turning; all you see on drives in the country is promising fallen trees.
Hollow centre - how you feel when you see the last bill for gear from the US.
Live centre - how you feel when you just pulled off something amazing on the lathe.
EVS - emotional venting system, nec. in case of ferrule.
Foot - what connects with the dog in the case of an EVS.
Jaws - something lurking and ready to bite.
Blank - called such since you can't figure out the best treatment for it.
Lathe - contraction of 'lather' - eg. the result of getting a spiral tear on the last bead of the last leg of the coffee table you're making.
Hollowing tool - named after what it does to your bank balance.
ASP - the tech guys finally found a term the marketers love: 'awfully steep price'.
Cryogenic - induces tears when the price tag is inspected.
Garage - has two meanings. First, a sacred place for the pursuit of arcane turning arts. Second, a place where stuff gets dumped for storage. The two meanings in practice often exist in tension, specially when you subscribe to the
first and other family members blithely adopt the second.
Steady - you have responsibly knocked up a couple out of fencing wire and duct tape; your other half says you're anything but when 'chuck' happens.
Tailstock - the dog essential to some EVS events wonders why you're checking his rear end.
Ferrule - where you go when you discover a crack in your best bowl.
Chuck - as in 'chuck a fit'; what SWMBO does when she sees the credit card account entry for your last turning tool. (= She Who Must be Obeyed; see the Rumpole TV series if you got it over there.)
Checking - what SWMBO now does to your wallet every night.
Scraper - she's chucked a fit and you have to scraper off the floor.
Gouge - what the latest exchange rate for the USD feels like. (We're down to one AUD to less than 70c US).
Skew - effect on your outlook when you start turning; all you see on drives in the country is promising fallen trees.
Hollow centre - how you feel when you see the last bill for gear from the US.
Live centre - how you feel when you just pulled off something amazing on the lathe.
EVS - emotional venting system, nec. in case of ferrule.
Foot - what connects with the dog in the case of an EVS.
Jaws - something lurking and ready to bite.
Blank - called such since you can't figure out the best treatment for it.
Lathe - contraction of 'lather' - eg. the result of getting a spiral tear on the last bead of the last leg of the coffee table you're making.
Hollowing tool - named after what it does to your bank balance.
ASP - the tech guys finally found a term the marketers love: 'awfully steep price'.
Cryogenic - induces tears when the price tag is inspected.
Garage - has two meanings. First, a sacred place for the pursuit of arcane turning arts. Second, a place where stuff gets dumped for storage. The two meanings in practice often exist in tension, specially when you subscribe to the
first and other family members blithely adopt the second.
Steady - you have responsibly knocked up a couple out of fencing wire and duct tape; your other half says you're anything but when 'chuck' happens.
Tailstock - the dog essential to some EVS events wonders why you're checking his rear end.
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