I am trying to arrange a private, 3-day 'Design' Class with Jimmy Clewes during the week of March 12th through 16th, 2012 and wanted to make the opportunity available to one or two other turners to also attend this class at Jimmy's home/shop in Las Vegas. The class will emphasize all elements of turned form design, as well as the processes involved with design, and methods of surface embellishment, coloring, texturing, and various other forms of refinement are included.
Given that there will probably be only 2 or 3 students in this three day class, individual instruction with Jimmy is the first priority. I have heard good things about this experience from other turners around the country who have gone through his relatively new design class, and you probably already know that he is certainly one of the best woodturning teachers out there. This would be a great learning opportunity, and I'm really looking forward to doing it! Turners should have intermediate to advanced turning proficiency, with a desire to take their woodturning “to the next levelâ€. This is somewhat of a gift to myself, and I hope one or two of you might also be similarly interested and able to participate in a focused and intense learning experience.
Costs include $650 for tuition, wood, supplies, lunch, etc. in addition to your travel and lodging. Specific dates during the week of March 12-16 are not yet finalized, but he is holding that week in his schedule if a design class can be put together. Participants can agree upon the start and end dates of the class which are mutually convenient.
I can send an attachment about the ‘Design’ class from Jimmy which contains more information about the content and logistics of the three day class to those who might be considering taking it. Have a look at Jimmy's "Courses" web page HERE
IF YOU HAVE AN INTEREST IN PARTICIPATING IN JIMMY'S DESIGN CLASS, please e-mail me with your contact information at your earliest convenience at: rwallace@iastate.edu to discuss the possibility and to allow me to forward the additional information to you.
Rob Wallace
I am trying to arrange a private, 3-day 'Design' Class with Jimmy Clewes during the week of March 12th through 16th, 2012 and wanted to make the opportunity available to one or two other turners to also attend this class at Jimmy's home/shop in Las Vegas. The class will emphasize all elements of turned form design, as well as the processes involved with design, and methods of surface embellishment, coloring, texturing, and various other forms of refinement are included.
Given that there will probably be only 2 or 3 students in this three day class, individual instruction with Jimmy is the first priority. I have heard good things about this experience from other turners around the country who have gone through his relatively new design class, and you probably already know that he is certainly one of the best woodturning teachers out there. This would be a great learning opportunity, and I'm really looking forward to doing it! Turners should have intermediate to advanced turning proficiency, with a desire to take their woodturning “to the next levelâ€. This is somewhat of a gift to myself, and I hope one or two of you might also be similarly interested and able to participate in a focused and intense learning experience.
Costs include $650 for tuition, wood, supplies, lunch, etc. in addition to your travel and lodging. Specific dates during the week of March 12-16 are not yet finalized, but he is holding that week in his schedule if a design class can be put together. Participants can agree upon the start and end dates of the class which are mutually convenient.
I can send an attachment about the ‘Design’ class from Jimmy which contains more information about the content and logistics of the three day class to those who might be considering taking it. Have a look at Jimmy's "Courses" web page HERE
IF YOU HAVE AN INTEREST IN PARTICIPATING IN JIMMY'S DESIGN CLASS, please e-mail me with your contact information at your earliest convenience at: rwallace@iastate.edu to discuss the possibility and to allow me to forward the additional information to you.
Rob Wallace