About 2 years ago, a club member gave me a gallon of Deft Step Saver. Never got around to try it out. Fast forward to last month, a club member retired and he donated a lot of things to the club. Chucks, tools, lots of projects like pizza cutters, ice cream scoops etc. He also donated about 8 one gallon cans of Deft Step Saver. At our club meeting today he showed us how he used it. Wipe it on, wait till it's tacky, then start wiping it off. I cut up an old bed sheet into pieces, we used that. My first impression is this is a good finish. He says he used to do up to 10 or more applications. SO, it takes some time... I don't even know if Deft still makes this. Nobody from the club bought a can... So I have about 9 gallons of it. Of course it is for all for sale. But, looks like I might buy a few cans for my shop... Would like to hear if anyone has used or still using this finishing method. It sure has paid off to be a 501(c)3 non profit organization!