My name is Dean and I live in Spartanburg, South Carolina. I joined recently because I’m searching for a bigger lathe. I got rid of a tabletop pen turning lathe because it was too small for my needs. I recently took a metal spinning class and I got the chance to use a Oneway 1640. I’d really like to get something around that size and quality. I haven’t done all the research yet, but it looks like there’s a lot of lathe choices out there like Robust, Laguna, Rikon, Powermatic, Nova, etc. Hopefully, you guys and gals can offer me some ideas on what’s good.
My name is Dean and I live in Spartanburg, South Carolina. I joined recently because I’m searching for a bigger lathe. I got rid of a tabletop pen turning lathe because it was too small for my needs. I recently took a metal spinning class and I got the chance to use a Oneway 1640. I’d really like to get something around that size and quality. I haven’t done all the research yet, but it looks like there’s a lot of lathe choices out there like Robust, Laguna, Rikon, Powermatic, Nova, etc. Hopefully, you guys and gals can offer me some ideas on what’s good.