I have a DC I'm installing; got the 5" line to the Lathe, but haven't figured out quite what to do about the actual hood. So help a turner out please & post pics of your hood set ups so I can get my head around some solutions and design one that might work for me.
Hi Raul,
Ironically, I'm building one as well this weekend, as I finish up my DC system.
Without knowing the dimensions you are working on (ex. spindle vs platers), its hard to recommend anything.
However, one example I found stuck me as pretty good for DIY:
Obviously you can change the dimensions to fit your needs.
IMO it should be removable, so when you are not sanding, you have better access and stash the hood in the corner.
From my reading, its best to keep the opening as small as possible (but still have enough access for tools, hands, paper etc.) A smaller opening will concentrate the airflow, and minimize the "leakage" of dust to outside of the hood.
For spindles or small work, where you are holding the paper and sanding with the lathe running, that design should work well. IMO better than a big scoop. I do larger items and use a power sanding were more tool access is needed, so I need a larger opening.
As always, more airflow will help. As for trading off airflow for more air velocity...I'm not sure that will help.
I went with lots of flow, lower velocity. So I have a large pipe to the DC and can downsize the opening if needed.
Hope that helps