Use WD-40 ..... (...not duct tape this time!)
I clean my diamond hones by soaking them in WD-40, and if necessary, using a regular red pencil eraser (the "trapezoidal red brick variety"; about 25 cents) or a small piece of the crepe rubber abrasive belt cleaners) to remove stubborn particles from the diamond surface. Every so often I give it a scrub with an old toothbrush, brass wire brush, or anything else that's handy.....just to keep the metal particles from accumulating on the surface.
I have heard that some people who use a diamond slip stone (I use the one sold by Alan Lacer) actually store their diamond stone in WD-40, and dry it off just prior to use. I can tell you that cleaning the stone periodically does make a lot of difference in cutting efficiency....
(Thinking about it, why wouldn't duct tape work?)😕
Let us know what works for you...
Rob Wallace