As far as being able to work from both sides, it is like Yogi Berra said, "It is 90% mental, and 10% in your head." To me, the big 3 things you need to learn for any turning, no matter what tool you are using, are 1) sharpen, 2) presenting the tool to the wood, and 3) moving with the tool. The moving with the tool part is really basic Tai Chi. If you have your hands and arms close to your body, and move the tool by moving your body, then your body is doing all of the 'fine' work, and the arms just hold the tools. Can't remember her name, but one of the Board members calls it 'Dancing with the lathe'. The exact same skills you use when free hand sharpening. Feet about shoulder width apart, move side to side, and rotate from the hips, not the shoulders and arms. Practice without the tool into the wood or on the grinding wheel...
robo hippy