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cool trick to save a face mask

May 29, 2004
billerica, ma
Just tried an experiment and wanted to pass along the results.

Both of my face masks (yes, I lost one in the shavings and bought another then dug out the first) are covered in various cruds such as CA I didn't let dry enough, laquer, eurythane oil, etc. to the point that vision was becoming impaired. Someone once told me that white diamond was used to polish airplane windows when they get scratched so I figured, what the hey, I'd give it a shot.

Took a fresh razor blade (fresh is real important cause any little microscopic nick or bend will scratch like heck) and scraped off all the little bits of crud, leaving a fair amount of little scratches and tiny bits. Then buffed it on my imitation Bealle with the Tripoli first and then White Diamond. Danged if it didn't work! I now have two nice, clean face shields (except for the deeper gouge where I wasn't paying attention and Mr. Faceshield took a trip across the shop).

Have fun,
Been looking for those around here but haven't found them yet. Luckilly my mask is an El Cheapo special. Also, both masks are a bit trashed already so needed the cleanup.

Any major retail sources for the sheets that you know of (Home Despot, Ace, Blowes)?

Dietrich, you lost a face mask in your shavings? Man, you need to get out that big shovel. Your lathe must be a lot shorter than it used to be. :)

Actually, sounds like a good way to clear up the face mask.
Well, I've been roughing out some large blanks lately (14-16" diameter) and it generates pretty awsome amounts of shavings. Plus I'm basically ADD and never get around to cleaning up between brainstorms (lose alot of tools that way. I think I threw away two of my tommy bars for my chuck in shavings).

And, ya know, I have been noticing that I have to turn on my knees lately to get down to the lathe. And that ceiling is getting awfully close.

I've been hearing wierd noises too and I think something is living in the bottom layers.

Dietrich :D
That was funny

Thanks for your always infomative tips as well as the addition of comedy. We all need a little comedy in our lives now and again to keep our sanity while sharing our knowledge of woodworking.
