I have been turning a lot of mahonogy lately and it seems no matter how sharp my tools are it always chips the mahonogy. Then it takes forever to sand out. (faceplate turning) But you could say its inexperence (that would be true im 15) so I dont know. Any advice would be appreticed.
Also if you have any recommandations on a food safe finish that is fairly inexpensive. (I am using Varathane now and I dont like how it dampens the look of the grain.) I was thinking of using a friction polish but I dont know if that is a food safe finish.
Also if you have any recommandations on a food safe finish that is fairly inexpensive. (I am using Varathane now and I dont like how it dampens the look of the grain.) I was thinking of using a friction polish but I dont know if that is a food safe finish.
