I would like to encourage more chapters to participate in the Chapter Collaborative project. Our group starts this within a month of attending the symposium and it is a wonderful experience for all involved. It is amazing to see the idea that you started with evolve throughout the year. Last year we started with a very simple idea, it was what I wanted to enter into the juried exhibit, and by the time we were done it won "Best of Show"! We meet once a month at a members house, same member all year, and spend about 6 hours working on the project. We have a great gourmet lunch that we take turns providing. It is open to every member of our chapter, sometimes reaching up to 20 or more members. When I was a new member this helped me learn how to turn as well as get acquainted with our members. This will bring your chapter together and create relationships that will keep us all turning for years to come. I hope that next year we have 20 entries into the competition. We all met for dinner Thusday evening, 32 of us, and already were brain storming ideas for this year. I would like to see a write up on getting started for chapters who would like to participate but need help getting started in our AAW journal. Maybe I could submit something.