My brother-in-law is 75 years of age (at the time of this accident). He has used chain saws and all types of dangerous machinery most of his life. He is absolutely not foolhardy about anything he does, but one moment of inattention with a chainsaw rearranged the structure of his leg as shown in the x-ray.
He was moving and piling some storm damaged trees alongside his runway with a tractor and front loader. Some of the trees were long and slender and he couldn’t get them piled the way he wanted, so he decided to come back the next morning with a chainsaw and cut them into smaller pieces. Not being conscious of the amount of tension the tractor had placed on this one slender tree he started cutting it with the chainsaw. The tree snapped and sprung toward him, knocking him under the tractor several feet away, breaking his leg so badly his foot was turned in the wrong direction.
He was in a very poor cell phone service area, but he managed to get a call through to his wife who alerted the EMS. A year later after several surgeries, screws, braces, and a lot of pain he is fully recovered and has complete use of the leg.
He was moving and piling some storm damaged trees alongside his runway with a tractor and front loader. Some of the trees were long and slender and he couldn’t get them piled the way he wanted, so he decided to come back the next morning with a chainsaw and cut them into smaller pieces. Not being conscious of the amount of tension the tractor had placed on this one slender tree he started cutting it with the chainsaw. The tree snapped and sprung toward him, knocking him under the tractor several feet away, breaking his leg so badly his foot was turned in the wrong direction.
He was in a very poor cell phone service area, but he managed to get a call through to his wife who alerted the EMS. A year later after several surgeries, screws, braces, and a lot of pain he is fully recovered and has complete use of the leg.