Well it's been awhile since I asked so I thought I'd give it a try. Has anyone, out there in turningland, changed over to CBN wheels? And if so: how do you like them, and where did you get them. Thanks, Paul K.
No, they are not Diamond, CBN stands for Cubic Boron Nitride. Diamond really doesn't work well for HSS, while CBN does
This style is only available from D-Way, there are other suppliers though. Last time I did some looking D-Way's CBN wheels were cheaper then any-other supplier.
but the vibration others found is due to the grinder, not the wheels. After all, 5SG wheels are used on surface grinders to grind surfaces to 0.0001" flat or better. Check out Don Geiger's wheel truing tool for the Oneway wolverine system.
Here's my Delta slow speed 8" grinder with Norton SG grinding wheels. If you look closely, there are two balanced nickels on top, while in use (see the grinding sparks by my left wrist)........can't get any more balanced than that!
So Steve your saying that Don Geiger and myself, the two of us working together up in White, FL, are wrong when we couldn't get the wheel to balance? That it was only my two grinders that were to blame? I have all of Don's Jigs and wheel dressers and still use them. This wheel was and I'm only speaking if this wheel, is out of balance and it's not the grinder. I think the SG wheels are great...mine sucks. I'll be happy to make anyone a good price on it.
Merry Christmas to All!
That sure looks balanced, got a question, what is the paperclip holding on the guard. My guess it has something to do with the light.😕😀
Bill, I'm with you, the ONLY wheel I have not been able to get to balance on any of my grinders was an SG. Unfortunately I had lost the paperwork by the time I tried and I couldn't return it.
Obviously not everyone has seen the issues we did. But the fact that several has suggests that Nortons QA leaves something to be desired, as they should have caught a wheel with 0.3 inches of side wobble, before it left the door
Bill, I'm with you, the ONLY wheel I have not been able to get to balance on any of my grinders was an SG. Unfortunately I had lost the paperwork by the time I tried and I couldn't return it.
Obviously not everyone has seen the issues we did. But the fact that several has suggests that Nortons QA leaves something to be desired, as they should have caught a wheel with 0.3 inches of side wobble, before it left the door