I do a lot of carving on my turned work. I started my carving with some palm sized Flex Cut and Ramelson carving tools. I prefer the Ramelson to Flexcut because they are a bit shorter and fit my smaller sized palm.
I bought a WeCheer power carver from Woodcraft many years ago. It allowed me to do power carving with rotary burrs and reciprocating cuts. It came with a flex shaft attachment. If you are just getting into carving, and not sure if you're going to enjoy it, start small, like the hand held carving tools or the WeCheer.
But, if you do enjoy the carving aspect, then you will most certainly burn up the WeCheer. I did; it was never meant for anything more than some light carving. I replaced the WeCheer with three different carvers: the Automach for reciprocating cuts, and the NSK Evolution (slow speed) power carver and the NSK Presto air powered (high speed) carver. All three are pricey, but you don't need to start there. I started out small, and replaced the tools as I outgrew or burned up the inexpensive tools.
If you are looking for a power carver, you might want to avoid the Powercrafter. That machine requires oil to operate, and IIRC, there were threads on this forum a while back about that carver having some repair issues -i.e., if you owned one that needed to be serviced, good luck 😕.