I agree that the web is the best location for a call-for-entries list, as it can be edited as needed. Keep in mind that this information would be of interest to art fans as well as artists.
There are at least seven key pieces of information that need to be presented in each listing.
1. Entry deadline should be first so there is no need to read on if the deadline has passed or is too near.
2. Who is eligible to participate (since some events are exclusive).
3. The name of the exhibition.
4. The type of exhibition.
5. The location
6. The dates of the reception and exhibition.
7. A clickable link to the host's website for complete details.
A short synopsis of the event would be an additional option.
Here's another example of call for entries.
It seems to me that this information could/should be uploaded by almost anyone without the need for a specific volunteer, perhaps as a formed self-service document upload. I don't know the mechanics of how these things function, but I think it could be made to work in a way that is easy for web users. Those who could not access the page would be able to send the information, as Ed suggested, by email, post, or carrier pigeon. With an accessible location on the AAW website and through numerous links, this could become the world wide hub for woodturning/wood art opportunities and exhibitions.
I'd like to hear about events on the other side of the Atlantic.
I hope this helps