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CA glue accelerator

Feb 21, 2006
Suffolk, England
I thought I'd pass on this tip.

Last week I was using some thick CA glue and reached for the accelerator only to find that the spray bottle was empty! So, should I resport to the old tried-and-tested saliva method? It was while I was pondering this that I noticed the word "acetone" on the list (such as it was!) of ingredients on the bottle. The surprising thing was that it contained 95% acetone.

Somehwere in the back of my head I could see another bottle with "95% acetone" printed on it. It was some time before it came to me...my other half's nail varnish (polish) remover!

I went to check it and it seemed to me that the contents were 95% acetone and 5% perfume. Guessing that the perfume would do no harm I filled the accelerator spray bottle with it and gave it go at the next opportunity. I've been using it for a week now and feel very happy that it works exactly the same way as the stuff that I've been paying nearly £5 ( $10?) for!!!

Nail varnish remover is about £1 a bottle for 500ml which will fill the accelerator spray about six times...I know what I'll be doing in future.

Does anybody else have any other products that they use in the same way with CA?


There are several solvent-based CA accelerators sold; Heptane/Acetone mix, Acetone (+ a little of something else like toluline), Isopropanol to name a few. Each will have different properties. Remember too, that water or water with some isopropol alcohol mixed in will also do pretty well.

Note that sometimes use of an accelerator can weaken the joint beecause it causes excessive foaming of the CA. Some companies sell a "mild" version which may actually be the water/alcohol mix. That should have a somewhat more gentle effect. I haven't found one which lists all of the "secret ingredients." ;)

I'm confused

Guys I thought acetone was the 'de-bonder' for CA. When I glue myself to the lathe or a piece to a mandrel, I use hardware store acetone to un-do my mistake. So I am confused, how can the same chemical be both the catylast and the solvent for an adhesive?

Frank Kobilsek said:
Guys I thought acetone was the 'de-bonder' for CA. When I glue myself to the lathe or a piece to a mandrel, I use hardware store acetone to un-do my mistake. So I am confused, how can the same chemical be both the catylast and the solvent for an adhesive?


Not sure about what you're actually using, Frank, but the only debonder I've seen used is nitromethane. Right, the same stuff that gets put in Funny Cars and dragsters.

Mark Mandell said:
Not sure about what you're actually using, Frank, but the only debonder I've seen used is nitromethane. Right, the same stuff that gets put in Funny Cars and dragsters.

Aromatic Amines of various sorts also, thus the odor. Acetone is just a solvent to keep whatever it is spread out.

I keep extra bottle tips on hand, soaking in acetone. Cleans up even the caked on things that happen when you knock the bottle over in your haste and lose track. Need a clean one? Exchange the soaked for the clogged and never stab yourself again.
As Michael Mouse pointed out, the acetone in the accelerator is a vehicle / solvent. The commercial accelerators typically use aromatic amines. (The perfumes in nail polish remover may include aromatic amines, explaining why it works so well.) In the case of the accelerator, the acetone helps spread the active ingredient and then evaporates quickly. Again, this is what Michael was saying. Lots of other things work as well, including plain water, and water with a little baking soda (sodium bicarbonate / sodium hydrogen carbonate) disolved in it.

Acetone also works as a solvent for cured CA, but more slowly than nitro-methane. Acetone's big advantages are it is relatively cheap and readily available. As Michael said, it is great for soaking clogged bottle tips to clean them out, but it does take a while to work.
Good I'm not crazy

Micheal and Brian,
Thanks for the explaination. I have never purchased a de-bonder just have used the acetone. I too keep a small jelly jar full with tips ready to go.
Have a great weekend
Brian Hahn said:
Lots of other things work as well, including plain water, and water with a little baking soda (sodium bicarbonate / sodium hydrogen carbonate) disolved in it.

I've been doing this for some time and it works fine. If you add to much sodium Bicarbonate it'll make the CA turn white though.

- Scott

I'm glad I posted this, reading this has been interesting. I thought I'd find the replies informative. I'm off to try the bicarb solution now.

It does seem strange that I have used the Acetone nail varnish remover with success. Maybe the added perfume acts as the bonding accelerator? But whatever is happening the joints formed are not compromised in any way and are as strong as any I make without "real" accelerator or the NVR substitute.

As a matter of interest, how much is it for a bottle of the genuine accelerator in the USA? And if it works out as expensive as the same thing here in the UK then why are they charging so much for what are, surely, pretty standad,cheap, generic chemicals? Same as ever, I suppose, call it a new name and charge double.

Thank you all for your replies.

As a matter of interest, how much is it for a bottle of the genuine accelerator in the USA? And if it works out as expensive as the same thing here in the UK then why are they charging so much for what are, surely, pretty standad,cheap, generic chemicals? Same as ever, I suppose, call it a new name and charge double.

Andy-marketing is everything!!!!! Add the word "natural" and charge an arm and a leg. With nutraceuticals or herbical stuff, people are gullible with no watch dog for safety and efficacy. Arsenic is natural!!!! ;) Gretch
Human skin seems to be the fastest accelerator in existence and it also has the advantage/disadvantage of not causing a weak bond. Maybe some dandruff dissolved in acetone would work (throw in some hen's teeth and frog hair too).

I have noticed that the accelerator will momentarily soften CA that has already hardened -- found this out when touching up a spot on a pen that used CA/BLO as the finish.
