For the last thirty years I have primarily been a spindle turner doing architectural reproductions including balusters, newel posts, finials, and column bases as a side job. I have successfully turned lots of bowls from logs once in a while, but now I'm getting out of the architectural stuff to get back into the bowls, vessels, and ornamental stuff. I bought myself a new and larger lathe as my retirement gift to myself for just this purpose. I want to start messing around with burls now, as I have a good collection of them ranging in size from 12" up to about 24" or more. My question is about how & where to start. Do you just mount up a whole burl and start making big bowl with a lot of waste, or do you cut them up into smaller chunks for smaller bowls? I have been hording these things for years and I'm almost intimidated at the prospect of wasting a bunch of good stock.